
The 员工教育奖学金计划 is a benefit offered to eligible FAU employees that allows for enrollment of up to six (6) credit hours of undergraduate or graduate instruction per term. 员工可以注册为攻读学位的学生,也可以在可用空间的基础上注册.

esp应用程序必须是 成功地完成了 在最后一天的前一天中午12点之前,根据学校的规定进行学期的DROP/ADD FAU校历. esp应用包括 成功地完成了 当审批链中的所有经理,以及人力资源和学费 & 账单部已经在工作日批准了. 





EESP截止日期适用于FAU所有部门和项目, 即使是那些有不同删除/添加日期的. *夏季学期的截止日期是整个学期/夏季1最后一天退课/加课日期.

* *请注意: esp申请的截止日期要求发生了变化,从2023年3月27日起生效. esp应用程序必须是 成功地完成了 在学期最后一天到DROP/ADD日期之前的工作日.


The program is designed to provide eligible KU体育官网APP (FAU) employees the opportunity to enhance their job skills and further their education by attending classes at FAU during their employment tenure. The program also will provide a University benefit that will aid in the recruitment and retention of FAU employees. Eligible full-time employees at FAU may enroll for up to six (6) credit hours of graduate or undergraduate instruction* per term (Fall, (春季和夏季)的员工教育奖学金项目. *参加博卡拉顿提供的课程(包括网络课程)的合格员工, 劳德代尔堡(塔), 戴维, HBOI, SeaTech, 或麦克阿瑟校区有资格获得员工教育奖学金计划. 只有在FAU中列出的课程  目录  将有资格获得esp.  合同课程或其他特殊课程不符合此奖学金的条件. Employees will be responsible for the additional cost and fees associated with such programs as the Executive MBA, 国际工商管理硕士, FEEDS和电子学院. 该员工必须以FAU员工的身份完成整个学期. The employee will be responsible for paying for any course if not an employee at the end of each semester. 

只适用于合资格的在职教员:  注册必须在线进行, 定期讲座, 或实验课程, 毕业论文, 定向个体研究, 指导研究课程或实习. 不包括医学院和继续教育课程.

实施日期: 2001年秋季学期开始


  • 必须是全职员工(1.0 FTE) on the day before classes begin for the semester and continue to be employed for the entire semester.
  • Employees assigned to Temporary/Visiting appointments are not eligible to participate in the 员工教育奖学金计划.
  • SP员工必须完成6个月的全职工作, 连续, 令人满意的, 并在学期开始的前一天在KU体育官网APP永久服务.Law Enforcement Officers serving a twelve-month probationary period will also be eligible to participate in the EESP after six months of full-time, 连续, 满意的FAU服务. Employees’ most recent performance review score must be a “Good” or above on the day before the semester begins.
  • 教师, 博士后和行政管理, 管理, and Professional (AMP) employees must have completed six months of full-time 连续 service with FAU and be in good standing with the University on the day before the semester begins.
  • Employee’s employment record must be discipline free for a minimum of six months prior to the f国税局t day of classes for the semester.
  • 入学取决于监督批准和资格状态的验证.
  • 该计划的参与将在员工自己的时间进行. 公司鼓励员工在下班时间去上课. 然而, 如果这是不可能的, 主管可以批准休假(年假), 累算补偿假期, (或无薪休假)或调整员工的既定工作时间表, 只要不与部门运作相冲突.


  • 有资格享受这项福利的员工 必须申请入学并注册课程吗 . esp应用程序  代替注册上课.
  • It is recommended that if the employee wishes to register for a class and at the time the EESP application  is due, 这个班尚未获准进入, 应该在esp申请中列出,这样如果员工被允许注册, 它会被覆盖.  即使入学不被批准,在表格上列出一个班级也不会受到惩罚. 
  • Employees will be responsible for notifying 人力资源 of any changes to their EESP application  before the due date. 我们只讨论应用程序上的类. 如有必要,员工可能需要在截止日期前提交修改后的申请. It is highly encouraged to include ALTERNATIVE courses to the application in order to prevent processing delays.
  • Employees enrolled in undergraduate courses must receive a grade of "C" or better for courses taken in order to avoid being charged for the course(s).
  • Employees enrolled in graduate courses must receive a grade of "B" or better for courses taken in order to avoid being charged for the course(s).
  • 参加“P- f”等级课程的员工必须获得“P”。.
  • 收到较低的分数将导致该员工被收取课程费用.
  • Employees will be responsible for paying for any course(s) they Withdraw or Drop after the official Drop/Add date.
  • 未完成(I)等级的员工, will not have EESP coverage until such time as the grade has been changed to a grade acceptable as specified above.  Employees who do not have Incomplete course grades updated within the specified timeframe will be responsible for all costs for the class.


  • 必须是整个学期的员工还是支付课程费用. 未使用的假期如未全额支付,将按余额计算.
  • 所有未偿还的大学债务必须在注册前全部付清.  这包括通过扣缴停车罚单的工资来偿还债务, 以前的学费/费用, 图书馆的罚款, 等.


  • 证明该员工符合员工教育奖学金计划的所有要求.
  • Certify that the approved course(s): (a) maintains or improves the employee's job related skills; (b) meets the expressed requirements of the employer or are imposed by the University as a condition of employment; (c) were taken to qualify the employee for a career change; or, (d)达到该雇员目前职位的最低教育要求.


1月1日或以后开始的课程, 2002, 学费可以用于本科或研究生水平的课程. 付款不一定是与工作相关的课程. 如果KU体育雇主支付超过5美元,这一年KU体育教育津贴是250英镑, 一般来说,你必须对超过5美元的金额纳税,250. 欲了解更多信息,请登录:  http://www.irs.gov/publications/p970/ch11.html#d0e10825 .



  1. 符合条件的大学员工应通过“创建请求"处理"  工作日.  The application is to be completed and the necessary approvals are to be obtained by 12:00PM the day before the last Drop/Add date.   截止日期中午过后,申请将不接受.
  2. All approved 员工教育奖学金计划 applications will be forwarded to the University Cashier's Office (University Controller) by 人力资源. It is the employee's responsibility to process the 登记 application and pay any additional fees due at the Cashier's Office by the published deadline.

    • 使用您的万事达卡,美国运通卡或发现卡在线. 使用在线系统, the thirdparty vendor (TouchNetPayPath) will process your payment and 应用 it to your student account with a non-refundable fee of 2.85%.
    • 免费使用您的支票/储蓄账户.
    • 位于博卡拉顿学生服务大楼的收银箱. (仅限支票或汇票。.)
  3. 入学, 咨询, 登记, 费用支付, 删除/添加, and procedures for the employee will be the same as for other 学生 as outlined in the University Catalog and the Schedule of Courses for each term except the following:

在支付费用之前, the eligible employee shall verify approval and processing of the 员工教育奖学金计划 application with the University Cashier's Office. 这也可以在KU体育工作日收件箱存档中得到验证. EESP申请可以代替六(6)个学时的州内学费. The employee must pay for 登记 credits in excess of six (6) credit hours or any additional charges for out-of-state 登记.

  • 当涉及不同的课程水平时, 雇主应支付费用最高的学时. The employer shall pay the following fees (for up to six credit hours) in accordance with the existing University fee schedule:


  • 员工应支付任何额外费用,包括但不限于:

照片我.D. 费用

  1. 学术咨询, 测试, 学习资源, 学生健康服务, and all other facilities of the University will be available to employees registering for courses on the same basis as to other 学生.




好处 & 退休



学费 & 账单服务

(561) 297-6101


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